An update on Augment Nation
Hi there,
I started this project with the promise of writing a weekly newsletter, each issue with a section of a chapter from this book. Of the four sections that make up Chapter 1, I only managed to publish 3 of them and then went dark.
There are many reasons for this, but the short version is that other priorities have eclipsed what is ultimately a passion project. I think about AR all the time, and I am dying to write this book. But it will take some time.
What does that mean for you? If you were a paying subscriber, I’ve already contacted you about issuing a full refund. I have now made this newsletter 100% free. I do intend to sell the book once it’s finished, but charging people a recurring amount for a very sporadic publication schedule seemed wrong. The downside is that without a paying audience, there is not the same sort of pressure to deliver.
If you remain subscribed, this is what I am going to try to do going forward:
I am going to write more of the book. 😎
I am going to also publish smaller “blog posts” that are related to AR, but might not fit exactly in the chronology otherwise. If something is on my mind, and I feel inspired to write about it– rather than wait until I get to the chapter where it would fit, I’m just going to write it while the thought is hot and send it out. The first will go out today.
Thanks for bearing with me. Our AR future is bright, and I’m determined to tell you about before it gets here!
– PC