Introducing + Update on my AR book
I have a new website, a new newsletter, and a new title for my upcoming book on AR...
You are receiving this because you subscribed to Augment Nation, my ill-fated attempt at writing a book about the business implications of AR a week at a time via this newsletter. The book is still very much in the works though! It has been renamed to “After the Smartphone”. You can join the waitlist here.
Otherwise, I exited my startup 9 months ago, and since then I've been working on what comes next. One of those things is taking what I've learned and what I teach at Columbia and in my corporate trainings and making it available more broadly. So I made a brand new site, - a hub for a bunch of stuff I'm doing.
1. A new weekly newsletter called Product Tips
This is exactly what it sounds like. I will send out one new product tip each week. Totally separate from this newsletter. Sign up here!
2. Online courses
My first with Columbia is now live - Customer Experience Strategy+ I'm also developing my own original courses, the first is available for pre-order - web3 for Business
3. Services
I am offering strategy consulting, corporate training, UX reviews, pitch feedback for startups, and more.
4. Podcasts
Tech News for MBAs is going strong, and I have some other ideas in the works as well...I'm also going to be posting a lot more on social in an attempt to grow my audience, specifically focusing on the goal of helping business types get more techy. If you don't already follow me, check me out on Twitter and LinkedIn.
5. Hypothetically Great
I am also continuing to write at Hypothetically Great. Those will be longer form pieces, commentary on tech news, entrepreneurship, and whatever else strikes my fancy.
With the new Product Tips newsletter, I'm going to be very focused on a single topic and publishing with a regular cadence.
By contrast, Hypothetically Great is where I can truly be myself and follow wherever my brain happens to lead me, and whenever it does.
I am not planning on writing to this list very often, if ever. So I encourage you to subscribe to Hypothetically Great or Product Tips instead.
Thanks as always for your support, and I'm excited to share more of what I'm up to soon!
– Paul